Library of Congress Project- 2023

Teaching with Primary Sources and Humanistic Stories as told  across Different Media


Project Overview

This project was sponsored by the US  Library of Congress, to extend the work of the Harvard “Cross-Media” Lab that taps into the power of storytelling to cultivate empathy and social/cultural awareness while building social perspective-taking, critical thinking, and media/digital literacy skills applicable across academic subjects/disciplines. Learn more about the cross-media approach here.


Theory of Change Stories +Primary Source + Cross-Media Methods  achives new resultsThis project integrated the use of primary source materials with proven cross-media analytical methods to experience humanistic stories more fully and uncover new avenues for inquiry, discussion, and academic relevance. Primary sources can provide essential context while helping to bring stories drawn from different cultural backgrounds to life from differing points of view. 


To combat “presentism” while making meaningful connections  with present day issues/events, the Cross-Media Methodology utilizes three “epistemic” lenses ( aesthetic, ethical, and academic) as ways to understand and interpret the possible meanings of humanistic stories (fiction or non-fiction) as told through different media. (e.g., a book, a film, a graphic novel, podcast etc.). New insights and deeper learning emerge through the comparison of different media versions of a range of culturally representative stories. Thoughtful review, analysis and assessment of primary sources has added a new dimension to the stories and relevance for teachers and learners.


Our vision for evolving the cross-media methodology to make strategic use of primary sources was further enhanced by the contributions of Journeys in Film (a leader in the use of film in education) who helped to the create professional developmentLogo for Journeys in Film organzaition opportunities for     educators  and new educator resources. You can learn more about the pioneering work of   the  Journeys in Film organization here.



For this project,  we designed and taught two new professional development workshops introducing the Cross-Media with Primary Sources Methodology . For an overview of  our updated methodology and sample lessons  see the latest guide develedoped as a supplement to the original Educators'Resource for  The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963. which was created in 2013 to mark the 50th anniversay of events and release of the film adaptation.  Now , in the 60th anniversary year we have revisited the Watson's story and brought attention to compelling resources from the Library of Congress and collections across the US to deepen learning.

You may download  the original and latest guides  below for educational use only.

Educators_Resource_for_The-Watsons-go-to-Birmingham-1963 (2013).pdf3.24 MB
SUPPLEMENT The_Watsons_go_to_Birmingham-1963_Educators_Resource-_Focus_on_Primary_sources (2023).pdf18.88 MB